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A to B Performance


Tschumi believes program is the event or a performance. With excess accumulations in a space (a space with its own intentions), navigation through this space becomes a performance. Movements of the body, stepping around objects, preventing these objects from moving as you move through the space become the event. Accumulations are beneficial because they create better dynamic program in the space in which they are located.

Here at Villa Tressino, a Palladian work, the once axial entrance foyer is now filled with an extreme abundance of sculptured works. Once these objects overtake the original program of a space, that space ceases to be a container for program, but rather becomes the program itself. In this situation, circulation around objects unsuited for their current environment is unstable, allowing the person to chose their way to cross the space, with the choice of a large number of routes.

The original program has been altered and the hoarder must respond to the space they have created.

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